
Skincare Specialist

I knew I was destined for the beauty industry from a very young age.

From my mother having to cut miniature brushes combs, clips and bobbins from her mangled hair after a salon makeover session with the three year old me to collecting the Boots No7 vouchers in my teens to build my first full collection of nail polishes, a passion was born in me that just grew and grew.

Studying for 3 years at one of the most highly accredited beauty colleges in Ireland broadened and deepened my knowledge of all things skin and beauty related and equipped me with the professional qualifications to practice the art. I have gathered CIDESCO, CIBTAC and ITEC qualifications.

In 2013, I won the National Skills Competition for Beauty Therapy in Ireland. I went on to represent Ireland in the World Skills International Trades Competition and was ranked 4th overall out of the best 50 Therapists in the world. The week long Olympic style event was punishing, exhilarating, highly motivating and great fun.

I subsequently became a lady of the high seas working in the onboard spa of cruise ships for 5 years, visiting and exploring some of the most spectacular places and meeting people from such diverse cultures. Progressing quickly from therapist to a top performing Spa Manager in the Holland America fleet I loved working with my 30 strong team setting the standard for service excellence and devising new ways of ensuring every client felt they had a five-star experience.

I then took another leap and am now living and working in sunny Scotland. Working and performing at the highest level in spas and salons on land and at sea for nearly 10 years, I am ready to pass on and share my passion for all things health and beauty. Helping people to not only look better but to also feel better is what drives me the most.

I love helping people with their skin as having struggled badly with my own for many years, I understand how solving these can have a great impact on someone's outward confidence! Through Skin By Ella, I am wanting to bring a more personal and tailored approach to your facial experience insuring not only that you will have a relaxing treatment but will leave my facial room armed with the knowledge to guide you on your journey to optimum skin health.

Looking forward to seeing you in my treatment room soon!

Love Ella 
